Apple CarPlay Smartphone integration
Android Auto Smartphone integration
MyHyundai With Blue Link Smart device app compatibility
Bluetooth Wireless data link
Voice Operated Hands-free phone call integration
Bluetooth Auxiliary audio input
Engine Start Smart device app function
7 In. Infotainment screen size
Touch Screen Display Radio
With Read Function Electronic messaging assistance
Voice Operated Electronic messaging assistance
SiriusXM Satellite radio
6 Total speakers
USB Auxiliary audio input
IPod/iPhone Auxiliary audio input
Vehicle Location Smart device app function
Lock Operation Smart device app function
Blue Link Infotainment
Horn/light Operation Smart device app function
Maintenance Status Smart device app function
Maintenance Scheduling Smart device app function
Jack Auxiliary audio input
Roadside Assistance Driver assistance app
AM/FM Radio
Speed sensitive volume control
Google POIs Connected in-car apps
Google Search Connected in-car apps